Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Propaganda 4 Corner Reflection

The prompt I will be choosing to examine throughout this post will be: "It is okay for the government to mislead in order to promote security."
I decided to choose the corner of 'Disagree' and there are a variety of different reasons that played a role in my decision.
Firstly, I strongly believe that any sort of regime or government must stay truthful to its people no matter what the situation is. For example: if you're country was in danger of being attacked by another country, you would want to know and be informed that it would be happening in order to take necessary precautions and preparations. I believe it would be ethically incorrect from a government to mislead its very own people.
Considering the government did in fact mislead its people, the results they really wanted would only be temporary. The consequences of misleading may be extremely destroying and negative in my opinion. Expanding on my previous example: If the country and people were in fact attacked, people would most definitely be questioning why they weren't informed about this event that would be coming, which would then raise questioning and doubts. People would doubt there government and there will be a lack of trust between them, which in the extreme cases could possibly lead to revolution or strikes.
The reason I disagreed with this statement, but not completely disagree was because I thought that there might be some extreme and rare situations where a government would need to basically lie in order to ensure the security of their people.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Media Bias: Palestinian victim

The Israeli government has returned the body of a Palestinian man who hurt a border officer. A mass Palestinian funeral is expected. The body of the man was returned with some organs missing, and Palestinian officials are looking more into that.

The body of Ibrahim Safaqi was returned to Palestinians after he was shot when he injured an Israeli police officer with his car near the borders in Halhul.

The return of the mans body was not given back to where it belongs and the Palestinians immediately, and Israel delayed the return of the body. The official laws were not followed as the return was delayed with missing organs, which has raised speculation that they have been cutting off some of his organs in the time being, as the body that has been returned had missing organs.

Palestinian officials also claim that this is not the first time this has happened, and there were many similar cases that have been happening before. It has been believed that occupied forces have harvested organs from the Palestinian victims.

Israelis returned the body of the victim under the condition that they would deny the palestinians from throwing and organizing a mass funeral for the victim.

However the Palestinians obviously view that as being unfair and will organize a mass funeral for the victim very soon.

Hebron in the last two weeks has been a major site of public campaign urging the return of many Palestinian bodies, that have yet to be returned.